Monday, April 04, 2011

Boring Classes Provoke Creativity :)

You know how torturing it can be when u're in some boring class n waiting for the time to pass.

This was exactly what i encountered in today Credit Man's class.

The lectures were severely boring becuz of the lecturer's monotone voice.

Sometimes I'm not even sure that he has finished his sentence onot (keeps talking Bla-Bla-Bla).

I usually end up doodling over the entire class hour like this one.

Did the same again in Credit class today.

The lecture just damn boring to the extent that all my creativity had been provoked.

Share wif u some of my so-called artistic drawing I doodled today:

Inspired by the recent famous game - Angry Bird.

Turns out, sometimes it can be a Happy Bird too :p

Go Go Power Ranger!!!

I miss those days when Power Ranger conquered the kids world.

It may be very shallow, but when i was a kid, i just loved it to death.

Yeah baby, so nostalgic!!!

To match the rangers, here come the modern version sailormoon.

Lastly the passionate doodle:

Love feels right when u meet the right person :)

Another lame post, LOL.